The Turks Today

The Book is going by explaining the Turkish government and Turkiye after the Death of Atatürk. It explains how the global problems and wars during WW2 affects Turkish Political Stability and how the government handles it.

Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen

I finished Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility last week, and loved it. The book is a classic love story, full of drama and scandal, but perfectly hidden behind her exquisite writing style and nineteenth-century voice. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get into Jane Austen, it’s exciting and dramatic and even sad, at times. This book is great because Jane Austen understands that life’s true horrors don’t really involve being cursed or murdered or mauled by a tiger or anything like that, I mean, those things are awful, I’m sure, but there are so many terrible things that are so much more relatable, like hanging out with someone who thinks they’re better than you or having your heart broken or being forced to host somebody you hate, and it’s these things that make Jane Austen’s work so interesting, because she conveys experiences we have all had as humans, and it’s still relevant today, despite being written in 1811. I loved it, highly recommend.

A Futuristic Civil War

One of my favorite parts of reading books is following a character through a story, and having the writing be powerful enough to make you feel the things that the character is feeling. I can’t remember a book that I’ve read that did this better than Legend, by Marie Lu. It’s really hard to describe a specific example without spoiling major plot points, but the feelings of grief and love and anger that the two main characters, June and Day, feel throughout the story are articulated so well through the writing that you feel those things just as intensely as they do. I’m excited to read the rest of the trilogy.

A dark and dangerous tale

This week I started to read “Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I find this story fascinating and I like how when I started reading it jumped right into action so I haven’t been bored I really like the characters and the plot of the story and how they have really round personalities I can’t wait to see how much further the author can take these characters!

Wotakoi: 3

The story gets kind of hard to follow at times, with 3 different side stories/relationships happening at once. Hirotaka and Narumi decide to start going on some real dates, not just ones where they go to eachother’s apartments. Kabakura is stressed out with planning and running a company trip. Narumi wants to see Hirotaka during the trip, but she sees that he’s busy with his “friends” and decides not to bother him, but the misunderstandng is that Hirotaka believes she’s ignoring him, so he doesn’t bother her. The misunderstanding was definitely frustrating, but the plot keeps you hooked.

Who is hunting them down?

I Know What You Did Last Summer by Louis Duncan is a really great book. It is really interesting and entertaining, and the more I read, the more intrigued I became. The book is a thriller about 4 high-school aged kids, 2 girls and 2 boys, being hunted down by a killer seeking revenge. The killer is seeking revenge on these 4 kids because they accidentally killed little kid biking in the dark. The book starts off with an introduction of the characters, and then as the story goes on, they get more complex as they start hiding things from each other. Read this book if you are interesting in a suspenseful story!

My (almost) New Experience With Books

So, recently, I started reading the book DUNE. I only got about 15 pages in with my 20 minutes to read, but it was pretty good. It was a little bit rocky at the start, it was hard for me to catch on because it was a little slow and I did not understand the book well. Then I realized that I was reading the book like it was in the 1st person POV. It is not! It’s in the third person omniscient! So I changed the way that I was looking at the story, and it finally clicked. I haven’t read a book like that in a long time, and it was shocking to me how different it was to read. But it did make me realize that the POV isn’t just important to how the plot progresses, but is also super important to how you are able to read the book. I found this kind of awesome, and I will say, the book was super good. I do really recommend going to check it out and spending some time reading it. The book is incredibly long though, so I do hope that you do this with some time on your hands!

A book that’s hard to put down

I have been reading Internment by Samira Ahmed, and it has been very engaging for a few reasons. Conflict and tension are introduced from the very start, meaning that it’s compelling even when you first start reading. Many of the characters are round, and internal and external conflicts are present even towards the beginning. The book itself is set around a dark plot, and it is centered around the topic of internment camps. I’m only about halfway through, so I’m interested to see what’s in store for the rest of the book.

Will Belly choose Cam or Conrad?

I am midway through the book The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. The main character Belly has a boyfriend named Cam and they have been on and off because they always end up arguing about something. When it was Belly’s birthday she didn’t tell Cam it was her birthday so that he wouldn’t make it a big deal. But her crush since she was in 6th grade Conrad who’s family friends with her forgot her present, that shows that she didn’t like Conrad anymore. But then a few days later she saw that Conrad invited his girlfriend “Red Sox cap” over and hung out with Belly and Cam. Belly seemed jealous of Nicole and kept talking about her and Cam thinks shes jealous and still likes Conrad. Over all I really like this book so far and I love the drama in it.


I just finished an action book called invincible this book is amazing Invincible is one of the best comic book series because of its captivating storylines, complex characters, and stunning artwork. It keeps you hooked from start to finish it will be hard to put down there are so many plot twists,The mystories and growing up with the main charter mark is one of the best parts of reading the book.GO READ INVINCIBLE NOW

Coraline — Did the movie do it Justice?

Likely to be Neil Gaiman’s most well-known book, the short children’s story Coraline is a classic. Whether you’ve watched the movie or read the book, those who got to experience the wonders of Coraline’s ventures hold the tale somewhere in their hearts. The film, Coraline, was directed by Henry Selick in 2009, 7 years after the book’s publishing. Henry Selick has directed many other famous films, some of his most notable being claymation such as The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the newer, though fairly popular Wendell and Wild (which I 100% recommend to watch). Ever since the release of the movie, it seems that more and more children grew up with the film, rather than the novel, myself included. However, a few years ago, I read the book for the first time, I was not only captivated by its unique and incredible world-building, but I also realized how much the movie left out. I am aware that when turning books into movies, writers and directors alike have to make cuts so that the film isn’t too long, I also know that with Coraline, producers aimed to make the story more available to a wide range audience, which meant making the story more kid-friendly. However, there were many aspects of the book, that I feel are fundamental to the world-building, Coraline’s journey, and how the story plays out.

For those who have not read the novel yet, I will not give any examples, to make sure you get to experience all of the new details yourself.

This all begs the question, did the movie properly represent the children’s horror classic? My answer to this is yes. Although the novel and the film have their vast differences, the movie is, nonetheless, a classic. Its interpretation of the tunnel, and how it was used as a symbol for Coraline’s connection to the other world was not only unique but iconic. Though the film removed certain aspects and scenes, it also added new ones that gave the story whole new potential, an example of this is the movie’s original character Wyborn (or Wybie) also not included in the original story, not only played a huge and well-written role in the movie, but also became a fan-favorite. So although the movie and the book have their differences, whether that be entirely adding or removing entire arcs, the movie still captures the wonder of the book and also sparks its own.


As i get deeper into The Maze Runner, By James Dashner, as the characters and us learn more about the unknown world on the maze we learn more about character as well. As Thomas’s questions get answered he suddenly has ten times more. Also, when he moves the story he goes in the unknown darkness of the maze. The maze is a tuff place to live and as he moves through the story he gets sucked into the void of the maze. But the way he thinks and all the questions he wants answered kind of keep him out.

He is viewed as the dumb newbie, but i think he very creative and smart. I say that because of his curiosity, he always wants more. He wants to know who controls the maze, he wants to know how the maze works, and biggest wants to become a runner. He wants to do things that seem very impossible. that’s why i say he’s smart, he wants to overcome the chains that hold him back, and stay outside the void.

A Girl Goes Into Matchmaking

I recently started reading “Emma” by Jane Austin, and I thought it would be boring but it has actually been quite interesting. The protagonist Emma is a well-off girl born into a wealthy family, although her life has always been plagued by the fact that her mom died when she was very young. Her has always acted like a mother to her, and when she leaves Emma is forced to make new friends, and maybe take on the new hobby, matchmaking. I am only in the beginning of the book but I plan to keep reading it!

This is One of The Best Novels I’ve Ever Read

Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons is a POWERHOUSE of a story. I’m not kidding when I call this one of the best- it deserves that title. Don’t dismiss it because it’s a comic, the art only enhances the story. The suspense and tension is wound so tight throughout the whole book that when it snaps, it hits you right in the face. It’s not your average superhero story, in fact it does the opposite. It grounds them into realism and makes them human, complete with flaws and complexities. There are no “good guys” in this story. It’s about 400 pages and should take you quite a bit to fully appreciate the art and story. When you finish this book, there are prequel comics and a sequel television series to read and watch. I know you will. Go read Watchmen now.

why is the Scythe series such a good dystopian story

Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman makes the story better Page after page of reading I don’t know why I like it so much yet I have been reading too little of it but I feel every time I put the book down the cliffhanger I stop reading on draws me back. The story develops the world more and more when characters like Citra travel to different places trying to find stuff out and at the same time expanding the world they live in.

The Miracle team continues their unexpected season

In Bill Plaschke’s Paradise Found, the Paradise football team finished out the regular season with an incredible 10-0 season. Shocking everyone they played with a 7.7 points per game allowed defense. The team is having doubts about playoffs though due to them not playing the greatest team. Yet they just figured out that they got the 4th seed, so they have to play the best team in the state. The book continues to tell the story through many different perspectives, yet recently it’s been mostly seniors to finish off the story.

The mysteries in the book “The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes”

It’s time to talk about the story “The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes” by Leonard Goldberg. I have been reading this book for a little while now and I must say I am really enjoying the read.

The book takes place in 1910 with a suspicious death near town. the story is through the perspective of John, Dr. Watson’s son. Dr. Watson is quite old now and is practically retired from the investigation world. But when a woman comes to their apartment looking for help after her brother’s death, things get intriguing.

I love the mystery in this book, it is very refreshing for me since I rarely read books that contain old settings with the use of old slang. It’s a relatively long book for most readers. each chapter is around 12-20 pages. making this book around 300 pages long, and filled with a lot of crazy plot twists and action-packed scenes. Every chapter has information to solve the mysteries in the book, giving you pieces of the story that makes every chapter enjoyable and creative.

The forgotten Story of Joseph Plumb Martin

“Memoir of a Revolutionary Soldier” The Narrative of Joseph Plumb Martin

The Story life of a Soldier is one we never really hear, if you read books about an era you will notice its about famous people, generals, and politicians. For this time period you hear about Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Benedict Arnold, King George, and Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de La Fayette and his long name. The thing you never see in any of these stories is the Life of a Soldier, these books nowadays are becoming more popular. People want to hear the Life of someone like them, they want to know what life is for the ordinary man. The man himself Joseph Plumb Martin was a son of a “substantial New-England farmer” as it quotes in the book, and was born and raised in Windham County, Connecticut. Joseph was also born on thanksgiving, probably sometime in the 1760’s, just because he’s a teenager or older when the movie starts, but I believe he never states when he was born.

Is the lengthy commitment to “Unbroken” worth it?

Unbroken has continued to keep an exciting and fast moving pace. You might get three years out of three chapters. As for where I left off, Louie is in the middle of a war, on a less than pleasant plane called Super man. Him and his crew have continued to persevere through training, bombings, and having to actually go into battle. They just survived almost crashing their plane, just barely missing the ocean as they landed. Despite the interesting content of this story, I do not think I will continue reading. Due to the lengthy nature of each page, and the amount of information on those pages, it is hard to get more than five or six pages per day. I do not see someone finishing this book in a short amount of time. I think anyone could enjoy this book, and find a lot of meaning in it, as long as they understand the commitment it is to finish this novel.

Shattered Cities,

Divergent (2013) by Veronica Roth is an enjoyable science fiction/dystopian story set in a run down Chicago. This setting helps keep things familiar, with notable location like navy pier playing important parts in the story, however the way the world operates makes it seem extremely foreign. The new city of Chicago is split into factions, these factions are based on human virtues. People who do not fit into these factions either must hide their difference or be killed, and that is the exact problem our main character must face in this book.

Overall I think that Divergent uses its setting in a way that it makes the world seem familiar, expansive, and extremely different, while the faction system creates and interesting conflict and power dynamic as the story progresses.