Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen

I finished Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility last week, and loved it. The book is a classic love story, full of drama and scandal, but perfectly hidden behind her exquisite writing style and nineteenth-century voice. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get into Jane Austen, it’s exciting and dramatic and even sad, at times. This book is great because Jane Austen understands that life’s true horrors don’t really involve being cursed or murdered or mauled by a tiger or anything like that, I mean, those things are awful, I’m sure, but there are so many terrible things that are so much more relatable, like hanging out with someone who thinks they’re better than you or having your heart broken or being forced to host somebody you hate, and it’s these things that make Jane Austen’s work so interesting, because she conveys experiences we have all had as humans, and it’s still relevant today, despite being written in 1811. I loved it, highly recommend.